Can you be lean and strong? Yes. Seeing as I am sitting at 10% body fat and just hit a 3RM PR in the back squat I say yes. Here's what I have been doing.
1. Gymnastics focusing on increasing complexity of movement 2. The basics. Squat, Dead, Weighted Lunges, Bench. Pull ups, Rows. 2 week waves going for records each week. 3. Deloading every 4th week(roughly) that means cutting your volume in half every 4th week. 4. Sprinting. 2-3 of my workouts each week end with sprints ranging in the 200-800 meter range. 5. Taking 14-16 hours between dinner and breakfast and making the first half of the day low carb. I'm talking <30g carbs in that period. Carbs are put in the evening meal but only if I feel I need them ie have done sprints that day. 6. BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acids. Take 10g before my morning fasted workout. That's it. Abs are popping.
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November 2015