BPM: 49
Morning Weight: 171 lbs Bfast: BP Coffee and 2 cups of berries Lunch: Chipotle Double meat carnitas burrito bowl Srength and Conditioning Workout: 3 rounds of row 500m, 15 Thrusters @ 80#, 21 DB swings @ 60# rest 2 minutes between sets. I only got through 2 sets because I was running late and had a client. That third round wold have demolished me. Tough workout. Endurance Workout. 2x12 min time trial. Rest 5 minutes between trials. Distance covered:
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Morning weight: 168.5 lbs
2 cups BP coffee 4 eggs over easy 1 cup spinach 6 oz roast beef 3 g carnitine 2 g fish oil Workout: 10 min of 12 push press @ 80# 12 wall balls Rounds completed:5 Morning weight:168.5 lbs
BPM: 49 Bfast: 4 strips bacon, 4 eggs BP coffee Lunch: Spaghetti squash with meat sauce Dinner: Spinach salad with pot roast chips and salsa lemon mineral water Bone broth, 8 oz Workout: Dynamic Effort good mornings 10x3 on 45 sec - this was the first time I used bands on the bar for good mornings. It was a little sketch because it was the first time but turned out great. I really enjoyed it. The balance was a little different and I felt fast. I warmed up with just the bar and purple bands then did the working sets with just the bar with blue bands. It perhaps had a total of 100 pounds at the top and 55 at the bottom. IDK but it was very fun and I look forward to doing more. WOD: 9-7-5 Muscle Ups OH squat 45# time: 14:59 Since I am not able to do muscle ups I did 3 pull ups and 3 dips fer each "muscle up" that totals 62 pull ups and dips. Cool. Today was a 60 min time trial. I covered 8 miles. I was hoping for a sub 3 performance at Big Sur, but the pace I have been training at looks like a 3:15. We shall see. I must say though, that I am always blasted when I do these time trials, never fresh legs.
Food: Bfast: 4 strips bacon, 4 eggs coffee with 2 tbs kerry gold. Lunch: Bison mole with avocado and salsa snack: cup pbone broth and chips and salsa Dinner: I'm on my way to an Oscar dinner, I think they are making gluten free spaghetti pie whatever that is. JIC I am taking some spaghetti squash and extra meat to put on the salad if needed. Today I went to the Practical Paleo seminar in Santa Rosa, Ca. It was great and I fell like I learned a lot. Even though I have been eating paleo for a few years and have been geeking out on nutrition for about a year I found it extremely helpful. She calls it practical paleo for a reason. I feel that after attending I am able to apply paleo practices more aptly.
I highly recommend anyone attend this seminar. Whether you are just getting into Paleo or have been eating this way for a while. The take a way was real simple. Eat real foods Eat unrefined foods Focus on digestive health Focus on blood sugar regulation Get that down and you will go very VERY far! Here are a few memorable quotes from the day: "Digestive function is critical and primary." "When someone tells me high cholesterol and heart disease run in my family what they mean is bad diet and lifestyle run in my family." "If you don't have healthy body fat levels you normal appetite signaling." "Abs are made in the kitchen." Great stuff. Feel free to contact me for more info. Ok first things first. Yesterday I did CFE as I will keep doing until my marathon at the end of April. WOD was
ME: Push Press then 7 minutes burpees I set a new PR on the push press even though I was not feeling that great. I did not sleep well the night before. I put up 125# which was a 5 # PR. Yes! For the burpees I got 71. I was shooting for 70 I guess that is pretty good. I think I cold have pushed it harder. Next time I am sure I could get 80. Tomorrow I will run 60 minutes covering as much ground as possible. I am hoping to get just over 8 miles. Waking heart rate: 46 bpm
weight: 169.5 lbs Oh man I woke up this morning and feel like I have been hit by a truck. I have been doing the CFE wods and tuesday and wednesday obviously destroyed me. Tues was 10! reps of Deadlift at 170# and bench at 105# for time then 6x400m with 90s rest. Wednesday was Max Effort box squat then 2 rounds of row 500m 15 squats at 100# and 15 chest to bar pull ups. I am so sore and today I will be doing 3x 1 mile with 3 min rest between. Lucky for me I have a slow work day so I will be able to rest, do some mobility and ice. ON a side note I started taking V it C and more fish oil (liquid) and my ankle is feeling better... Yesterday I did the CFE WOD as I always do since I am training for the Big Sur marathon in April.
7 rounds of 10s treadmill push 12 70 lb Dumbbell swings 4 minutes between rounds. This was actually a great workout. The long rest made sure I was giong 100% the whole time. Today I woke up, had bullet proof coffee, veal chorizo, hashbrowns, one egg, and about 5 slices of bacon. Lunch was a salami sandwich, I cheated on the bread. Dinner was salmon and okra. I'm diving into some Americone Dream tonight too, It's my fav Ben and Jerry's. I decided to cheat a bit today. I also had a few beers last night and notced and interesting anxiousness this morning. I had a couple more this evening and felt the same sort of thing a couple hours later. I am not sure what the reaction was from but def think it is the check mexican beer. I'll have to keep an eye on it in the future (though I don;t really drink enough to do a thorough study, probably about 2x a month.) To get rid of the mroning antsy-ness I went to the part and read in the sunshine and did some hand balancing stuff. Handstands, crow variations and general hopping around on my hands in a circle real monkey like. I learned today that MovNat now has a Cert and I am looking into it. It would certainly be fun but I am not sure if I wold be able to apply it in the gym. I am also looking into Chek's Exercise Today Bfast: Bulletproof Coffee and 2 oranges. I was running late and need to go grocery shopping.
10am-12pm work Lunch: Grilled Chicken Burrito. I was going to go to Chipotle to try their pastured carnitas but then realized there is not one in Oakland. Snack:Orange Dinner: Large chicken breast 2 handfuls of blueberries 2 lemon bars(they were in the break room) 2 carrots and an orange. CFE workout: Short Intervals - "Short Tosh" at Piedmont Track 3x (100m, 200m, 400m) equal work:rest ratio. I ran very consistent splits but damnit if I feel like I should be faster! Times: 14s, 36s, 1:20 14s, 38s, 1:20 14s, 39s, 1:19 Ooooweee those 200's were killer! That last 400 was beastly as well! I had not done that workout before and enjoyed it. Hard and fast, just like I like it. 2/15/12 CFE S&C ME: Push Jerk 45x5, 65x5, 95x3, 115x3, 125x2, 130x1, 135x1, PR bitches!!! Oh golly did it feel good to hold those 45s over my head. It was a first and definitely will not be the last. 5 Rounds: 5 Push Press @ 65% (80#) Max Rep Dead Hang pull ups 14, 6, 7, 5, 5 Rest as needed between rounds Push press felt very light and my pull ups have fallen off a bit. I have not been paying too much attn to them as of late and if you don't use it you lose it. On a personal note, as a trainer I am finding it difficult to convey my nutrition ideas to my clients in a manner that gets them to buy in and change the way they eat. I have decided to start working on a packet of sorts to help them on there way and answer some questions they may have like "Isn't saturated fat bad?" It will probably be a mixture of handouts pulled from Robb Wolf, Diane Sanfilippo and Chris Kresser's sites. THANK GOD FOR THOSE AND ALL THE FREE INFO THEY HAVE!! I will of course add some of my own flare in there as well, my thoughts on nutrition and general exercise. I am hoping to have a 5-10 page packet I can give to my clients when they start training with me. That's not too much to read is it? 10 pages? I didn't think so. Yesterday: Breakfast, Bulletproof Coffee (coffee + 3 tbs kerry gold butter+ 1 tbs coconut oil) 2 oranges and about 6 oz tritip.
Lunch: 3 eggs and 1/2 lb of veal chorizo Snack: 20 g BCAA Dinner: More Tritip chorizo and sauerkraut Workout: CrossFit Endurance WOD ME (max Effort) Overhead Squat: 45x5, 55x5, 65x3, 75x2, 45x10 OH squat needs work for sure. Balance does not feel right. I should be programming these every week. I may start incorporating them into my warm up. rest 5 minutes ME CLean and Jerk: 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 115x2, 125x1, 130x1. PR by 10 pounds vs a month ago. Nice! rest 5 minutes MetCon: 3 rounds of 40 second treadmill push 12 Downward Dog Push Ups (sub'd for Handstand push ups becasue the gym was busy and there were no walls available) 12 70# DB swings (russian style) Time 8:26 first time doing 70#db swings. That is about 2 pood and I was surprised I was able to do it so well. I feel that I am getting much more explosive through the hips because of all the power movements CFE programs. On a side not I really feel that hang power snatches blow up my traps (in a good way) and Hang Power Cleans develop my abs. I notice a thickness through the core when I start doing more of them. Good stuff. |
November 2015