This morning I did the CFE wod.
DE Push press. 12x2 @ 65 # on 45s then AMRAP in 15 min of Row 1000m 15 Thrusters @ 70# 12 Burpees 2 rounds completed. and I it was pretty annihilating A few hours later I did the endurance WOD: 3 rounds of 200m 400m 600m with 1:1 work to rest ratio. Since I was running on the skreets I just did intervals of 40 seconds, 80 seconds and 120 seconds. It was pretty brutal as well. A few hours later I did a brief TRC workout consisting of a lot of lunges and oblique crunches. Tomorrow I am going to practice on the TRx and do "Diane" with 165 # and kipping hspu off 2 airex pa
I worked out 2x today. First workout:
12 sets of 5 on 45 sec of Band Good Mornings using a blue and green band. Then AMRAP in 12 minutes of run 400m 15 back squats at 95# 12 Chest to bar pull ups I finished 2 rounds plus 400 m second workout was 50 minutes on the trx that had a lot of upper body pulling. Blogging. How do people maintain a blog day in day out. I have not been able to do it. I must say I have been very busy at work but other people are busy too right? Perhaps it's a lack of urgency due to no one reading this...yet. My day will come. and it will be glorious. Anyhow, last week I took off because I was sick. I had to get antibiotics due to the start of an ear infection. I still have a ringing in my right ear that the doc says is allergies. Hoping that goes away at some point. Sadly, I must say I am getting used to it. I have been doing a lot of preparation for a group class I will be teaching in may and feel like I am in school again, homework, learning new things and such. My marathon training has really fallen off. I will still be running Big Sur but it will be more for the views than for the competition. I will continue to train a few days using the CrossFit Endurance site but at this time I need to devote a lot of time to the TRX suspension trainer as I will be teaching that class soon. I am going to run through the 18 day program over the next 3-4 weeks and am excited to see some improvements in my lifts. Currently my stats are as follows:
DL 255 BS 175 FS 155 PJ 135 PP 125 Press 110 CJ 130 Bench 135 Pretty weak I know but I hope to do Wendler's 5/3/1 program after I get all this TRX stuff solidified in my brain. It will probably end up being over summer. Perfect time to add on some pounds right? That's what summers all about right? Lifting weights, sunshine, fresh fruit and banging. It's in our genes, all ancestral and shit. Strength Goals for end of summer: I'm planning on starting 5/3/1 in one month so we'll set May 1 as a starting date. I am using the numbers given in 5/3/1 he recommends raising you training maxes 10 # and 5 # for lower and upper body respectively per month. If I follow this to the T my training maxes come October will be as follows: DL 270 BS 195 Press 120 Bench 140 Since these training maxes are only supposed to be 90% of my true max I hope to max out on these lifts October 1 and lift these numbers ( I came up with these numbers simply by dividing my training max by .9: DL 300 BS 215 Press 135 Bench 155 The reality is I hope to get 315 on the DL as it would be awesome to lift 3 plates. Of course I want to get 225 in the BS for the same reason, I wanna get two plates on there. I'm happy with getting a plate up in the press. That bench still looks pretty weak sauce but with my skinny long ass arms I will deal. Long term goals: I would like to reach the "advanced" level a l a Rippetoe's charts in Starting Strength for the 181# bodyweight category (though if I lift like I am going to have to to get these numbers chances are I will be at least 10# over that weight... DL: 438 BS: 367 Press: Bodyweight Bench: 275 Those are some pretty F ing lofty goals but hey you gotta dream big right? Again, using Wendler's calculations, if I did 5/3/1 until I got these numbers (which obviously is not going to happen but still) I would arrive at these numbers as follows: DL October 2013 BS November 2013 Press September 2013 Bench July 2014 Here's the reality. SHit is going to happen. Things will slow me down and speed me up. Let me say this. I Fucking hate benching and so I suck at it. I know that once I start getting on that bench more my numbers will increase quickly starting out. I also know that being 6 2" with long legs does not help my squat, but these long ass arms certainly do help my deadlift. HERE'S THE DEAL I will get these numbers by January 2014. That gives me some leeway for life to happen. I will make some videos for my current lifts and continue documenting my journey in strength. If I can do it does that mean anyone can do it? NO. I am athletic, I will say that, what I am not is strong. I move well, yes, but these movements are not hard. Anyone can learn them in a few months. What I lack in strength I like to think I make up for in willingness to work hard and that will be the defining factor. Current weight is 170 and current 6 mile time trial time is 41 minutes. Pull ups I can do is 15, I have 0 handstand push ups and 0 pistols. See ya on the other side. |
November 2015